
Learn about the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging


The extended producer responsibility gives companies the legal, financial, and practical responsibility for the handling of their products – from the time they are produced until they become waste.

This means that both the financial and practical responsibility is placed on your company to ensure that your packaging waste is collected and handled as environmentally responsibly as possible and that as much of it as possible is recycled and/or reused.

Currently, the Extended Producer Responsibility exists for electronics, batteries, and cars. The Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging will be in effect in 2025. An Extended Producer Responsibility for textiles is also expected to be introduced in a few years.

Besides managing your packaging waste, the Extended Producer Responsibility also involves requirements to inform and report to the authorities.

Companies to which it applies

All producers and importers are subject to the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

As a general rule, it is not the company that manufactures the packaging, but the company that places packaged products on the market that has the producer responsibility.

This can also apply even if you do not have producer responsibility for the product in the primary packaging, but perhaps only in the secondary or tertiary packaging.

The reason importers and producers are subject to producer responsibility for packaging is that the company placing the product on the market has the greatest influence on the choice and purchase of the packaging.

As a general rule, companies subject to producer responsibility can be divided into three main categories:

  • Manufacturer
    • For example, a producer of furniture that is packaged.
  • Importer
    • For example, an importer of shirts that sells to both retail and private customers has producer responsibility for all packaging.
  • Distributor
    • For example, a company that places packaging or packaged products on the Danish market.

The producer responsibility applies to those who place packaging and packaged products on the Danish market regardless of the sales method – including remote sales (online sales).

Special rules apply for micro enterprises

Micro enterprises may be exempt from the producer responsibility. A micro enterprise is any company that employs fewer than ten people and has an annual turnover of less than 15 million DKK.

Micro enterprises are generally exempt from the producer responsibility unless a micro enterprise imports packaging from abroad. If they import from abroad, the micro-enterprise has producer responsibility.

If a micro enterprise instead purchases packaging from Denmark, the packaging producer has the producer responsibility – regardless of whether it is under the micro enterprise’s own brand or not.

The Environmental Protection Agency has provided further examples on its website (in Danish). See examples 8 and 9.

The objective
of the Extended producer Responsibility

The Extended Producer Responsibility places the financial and practical burden of waste management onto the companies.

The purpose is to motivate companies to design and/or purchase packaging solutions that are as sustainable as possible.

A financial framework has been set around the financing of waste management in the Extended Producer Responsibility, which includes a discount on the expenses related to managing the Extended Producer Responsibility if the company uses more environmentally friendly types of packaging that are easier to recycle or reuse.

This provides a financial gain for the companies to choose specific types of packaging, the general environmental impact is lowered, the collection and handling of packaging waste is improved, and the circular economy is strengthened.

Financial consequences

From 2025, thousands of companies will be subject to the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging.

It is estimated that around 1.1 million tons of packaging will be covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility, and it will cost companies a total of DKK 2.35 billion per year.

Of the calculated DKK 2.35 billion, households account for approximately DKK 1.5 billion, while packaging collected from the industry accounts for the remaining DKK 0.85 billion.

The costs for handling plastic packaging make up almost half of the DKK 2.35 billion.

Because the legislation is yet to be completely drawn up, we cannot confidently make any final conclusions regarding the financial framework for the Extended Producer Responsibility.

However, we know that for the individual producer who registers with a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) such as Emballageretur, the cost will consist of statutory environmentally graduated contributions as well as collection and handling expenses for the packaging quantities put on the market by the producer, and administration expenses such as membership fee for the PRO.

Read more about Emballageretur’s membership price here. 

Our Price Indicator can help you

The final financial framework is not yet in place. However, it is still possible to get an idea of what the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging could cost your company.

At Emballageretur, we have developed the tool Price Indicator to help you better understand the possible financial aspects of the Extended Producer Responsibility for your company.

Learn more about the Price Indicator.


We expect all types of packaging to be covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

That is all packaging, regardless of the material – plastics, glass, wood, metal, cardboard, paper, etc. – and irrespective of its use – domestic, industrial, office or service sector, etc.

We divide packaging into three types:

1. Sales packaging or primary packaging

This is packaging designed to make up a sales unit for the end user or consumer at the point of sale.

If, for instance, you buy a bag of loose rice, the bag containing the rice is considered the primary packaging.

2. Multipack or secondary packaging

This is packaging designed to make up a collection of a certain number of sales units, regardless of whether it is sold as such to the end-user or consumer or if it is only used to be put on shelves at the point of sale.

If we stick to the example with the rice bag, this is the cardboard box in which several bags of rice are collected.

3. Transport packaging or tertiary packaging

Transport packaging, or tertiary packaging, is packaging designed to make handling and transporting a number of sales units or multipacks easier and also ensuresthat damage caused by physical handling or transport is avoided.

In our rice example, this is the pallet on which several boxes with bags of rice are transported.

Transport packaging does not include road, rail, shipping, and air freight containers, and the smallest sales unit determines the packaging category.

EU pallets are also not considered transport packaging as they are part of a return system,  however, regular wooden pallets are included as transport packaging.

Who has producer responsibility for transport packaging?
The rule regarding transport packaging states: “Make the transport packaging available on the market the first time.”

Therefore, the packaging producer generally holds the producer responsibility.

However, if a company designs or manufactures the transport packaging under its own brand (Private label), the company itself holds the producer responsibility and not the packaging supplier.

If additional packaging is added, such as plastic wrap, this wrap is also considered transport packaging or tertiary packaging.

Important to know when reporting packaging

The Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging becomes effective in 2025, but already in 2024, your company must register your expected quantities of packaging.

Emballageretur can help you with registration with the authorities.

Targets for packaging design and recycling

When the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging becomes effective, companies will have both the practical and financial responsibility for managing their packaging waste.

The overall objective of the Extended Producer Responsibility is to give companies a financial incentive to design and/or buy the packaging solutions that are the most sustainable in order to lower the general environmental impact.

As part of this initiative, the EU has set some recycling targets, which you can see in the table below:

Packaging waste type

2018 estimated real recycling

2025 recycling target

2030 recycling target

All packaging 63% 65% 70%
Glass 79% 70% 75%
Plastic 14% 50% 55%
Paper/cardboard 97% 75% 85%
Iron 70% 70% 80%
Aluminium 70% 50% 60%
Wood 42% 25% 30%

Source: Action plan for circular economy (2021) based on the EU packaging directive 2018, Waste statistics 2019, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency 2020

How to design your packaging for recycling

The financial framework for the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging is constructed in a way where your company is rewarded by how easy it is to reuse or recycle your packaging.

We have written a guide that makes it easy for you to get started with a more environmentally friendly packaging design.

The company´s obligations

When your company is subject to the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging, you must meet several requirements – and Emballageretur can help you with all of them.

Collection and processing requirement

The municipalities will continue collecting the packaging as the “first point of collection”.

After this, you as a company get the practical responsibility for the waste processing of your packaging, whether it consists of plastics, cardboard, metal, glass, or some other material.

As a manufacturer or importer, you must cover 100% of the municipalities’ costs for collecting and sorting the packaging into fractions.

By registering with a PRO such as Emballageretur, you can be sure that you meet the requirements and obligations associated with your Extended Producer Responsibility, as we handle it on your behalf.

Requirement of registration

Companies covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility must be registered in the digital producer registry, Dansk Producentansvar (DPA).

Emballageretur can help you.

Requirement to report

Companies covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility must report the amount of packaging you place on the Danish market.

This includes online sales.

Emballageretur can help you.

To make the process of reporting as easy as possible for our members, we have developed a digital tool called the Budget Form.

Read more about it here.

Please be aware: The Ministry of Environment informs that if a company covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging does not fulfill its obligation to report expected packaging quantities for 2024, it may lead to a police report and a fine.

Read more on the timeline here.

Information requirement

As part of the Extended Producer Responsibility, you are required to inform your customers about how you dispose of the packaging.

You can do this in many ways, for example, by putting information on the packaging or running information campaigns.

As a member of Emballageretur, you are also guaranteed proper communication about the packaging, as we inform the public about how we – on behalf of our members – ensure that we recycle as much packaging as possible.

Data to report

As a company covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility you are required to report various types of data.

Many of the rules intended to form the basis for the upcoming Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging are not yet in place.

Therefore, it is not entirely certain what data your company will have to report.

However, we do know that affected companies must report their expected annual marketed quantities and can do so from from April 1st, 2024 to August 31st, 2024.

We also know that the materials to be registered are:

  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Metal-containing
  • Glass
  • Plastic
  • Food and beverage cartons
  • Wood
  • Aluminum
  • Mixed packaging – this applies only to companies who register under the trivial limit and choose to register their total quantities.

Material quantities must be specified per packaging category (in kilograms) and serve as a baseline to be used for the allocation of collection and treatment of packaging waste quantities in 2025.

Additionally, your company must also report the proportion of materials that are recycled, identify the end user of your packaging (households and/or businesses), and report if your packaging needs to be sorted as hazardous waste.

The Ministry of Environment informs that if a company covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging does not fulfill its obligation to report expected packaging quantities for 2024, it may lead to a police report and a fine.

Read more about your registration and reporting obligations here.

We have also developed the digital tool, the Budget Form, which makes it easy for you to report and send your quantities directly to us.

Learn about the tool here.

Does your company want another VAT number to report your data?

Read more in our FAQ.



Emballageretur is ready to help you report your data, and you can confidently lean on our nearly 20 years of experience in handling the Extended Producer Responsibility.

Emballageretur will keep our members updated on the development of the rules for reporting packaging quantities, etc., which will be applicable from 2025.


Are you a foreign producer?

Please be aware that if you are a foreing producer operating in Denmark, other rules apply for registering and reporting data. Please contact us at and we will help you.

Environmentally graded contributions

In the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging, there is a concept of "environmentally graded contributions".

The purpose of the environmentally graded contributions is to create an additional incentive for better packaging design through a bonus/malus system.

The idea is that a company covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility will be rewarded with a discount in costs when designing or buying environmentally friendly packaging designs for their products, but will be penalized with an additional cost when using poor environmental designs for packaging.

Environmentally friendly design refers to packaging that is recyclable or reusable.

The exact design criteria are not yet finalized, but it is expected that emphasis will be placed on the following principles:

  • Minimization of materials,
  • Recyclability,
  • The amount of recycled material in packaging,
  • Absence of hazardous substances.

The trivial limit - de minimis

There is a trivial limit of 8 tons of packaging per year incorporated in the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

First and foremost, it is crucial to emphasize that the trivial limit does not exempt any companies from being subject to the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

However, the trivial limit does make it somewhat easier to manage the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging in certain respects.

Specifically, the trivial limit means that companies placing less than 8 tons of packaging on the market per year are required to report fewer details about their packaging and are subject to fewer administrative fees.

For example, companies with packaging quantities below the trivial limit are not required to report their tonnage for each packaging category individually but can report them as a total quantity.

They are also not obligated to report based on environmentally graded contributions.

As a company covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility, you are still obligated to cover the costs associated with collecting and treatment of packaging waste corresponding to the quantities you place on the Danish market in the form of packaged products.

The fee you pay when covered by the trivial limit will be a “flat fee” – an average price per ton of packaging placed on the market.

Even if you have less than 8 tons of packaging annually, there are many benefits to joining a PRO like Emballageretur.

For instance, we assist you with registration, reporting, advice and guidance. You get access to highly specialized knowledge, relevant tools, ESG data, etc.

Producer Responsibility Organisations (PRO)

A PRO handles a number of tasks to ensure that producers (Danish businesses) fulfill their responsibility of handling the products they place on the market when these products become waste.

NOTE: In the summer of 2024, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency stated in a letter adressed to companies in Denmark that membership in a PRO is expected to become a legal requirement from 2025.

As a PRO we act on behalf of our members – companies operating in Denmark – and the primary tasks typically performed by Emballageretur are:


As a PRO, we organize and finance the collection of products covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility when they reach the end of their life cycle on behalf of the companies that are our members.

Specifically, we collect waste from recycling centers, businesses, and waste that is sorted in Danish households.

As part of this task, we purchase and set up collection equipment (containers, cages etc.) throughout Denmark.

Additionally, we negotiate and enter into agreements with municipalities and private waste management companies regarding the collection and handling of the waste.


As a PRO, we ensure that waste is treated in an environmentally responsible manner.

This includes the sorting, reuse, and recycling of materials, as well as the proper disposal of hazardous substances. The goal is to maximize recycling and minimize the environmental impact as much as possible.


PROs must ensure that detailed records are kept on the quantities of collected, recycled, and disposed waste.

It is our task to ensure the quality of these data and report them to the authorities to document compliance with legislation and ensure transparency.

Additionally, we monitor the waste stream to ensure that treatment processes are transparent and that member companies meet their obligations under producer responsibility legislation. This can include inspections and audits at treatment facilities operated by our partners.

We also offer our members ESG data, and we develop IT systems that can assist our members with their reporting obligations.


When a company is subject to the Extended Producer Responsibility, it is obligated to cover the costs incurred by municipalities for collecting, transporting, treating, and managing the company’s waste.

Fees are typically based on the quantity and type of products each producer markets.

As a PRO, we collect fees from our member companies, provide guarantees, and ensure payment to stakeholders and partners. Additionally, Retur’s PROs operate on a non-profit basis.


An important part of the Extended Producer Responsibility is informing both producers and consumers about their roles and responsibilities.

As a PRO, we conduct awareness campaigns, provide information on proper disposal methods, and collaborate with other stakeholders to promote correct waste management.

We can also provide ESG data to our members.


New laws and updates to existing producer responsibility legislation are continually being introduced. As a PRO, we ensure that our members are kept up to date with the latest regulations and updates.

We also represent our members by participating in negotiation committees and submitting consultation responses to the authorities.


At Emballageretur we also see a significant value in contributing to the green transition, and as a PRO, we work to promote innovation in waste management and recycling.

This can include researching new technologies and methods to improve recycling rates and reduce environmental impact. For example, Elretur has recently established two recycling facilities for electronics in Denmark, to significantly increase the amount of recycled electronics over the coming years.


There are many practical, legal, and financial tasks associated with the Extended Producer Responsibility.

Waste collection and handling, sorting, recycling, environmentally responsible disposal, reporting, monitoring, communication, and innovation are all elements that are both time-consuming and costly for a single company to manage alone.

By handling these tasks collectively for our member companies, we lift a significant administrative burden from your shoulders, create economies of scale, and, as one of the most cost-effective and experienced PROs in Europe, we ensure you get the most value and impact for your money.

NOTE: In the summer of 2024, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency informed Danish companies that membership in a PRO is expected to become a legal requirement from 2025.

Retur helps you manage multiple producer responsibilities in one place

Retur is a family of PROs, with the oldest having managed producer responsibility for nearly 20 years.

We assist Danish businesses with their producer responsibility for packaging, electronics, batteries, and in the future, textiles as well.

Whether you have one or several responsibilities, your company can handle all of them in one place – with us at Retur – a one-stop shop for producer responsibility

The handling of collected packaging waste

How is packaging waste handled when collected from households and businesses, respectively?


When municipalities have collected packaging waste in containers placed near single-family houses or multi-story buildings, the waste is transferred to designated locations by PROs such as Emballageretur.

Subsequently, organizations such as Emballageretur take responsibility for further sorting and processing of the packaging waste, ensuring that our members meet the recycling goals and demands established by the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

Specifically, we competitively tender this task in the private market and enter agreements with Danish and foreign companies that meet our environmental requirements and ensure a low cost.

The Extended Producer Responsibility brings about more consistency and scale in sorting and recycling, as the responsibility for treatment is shifted from the Danish municipalities, which have varied approaches to waste handling.

The mechanism of Extended Producer Responsibility is that the companies producing/using the packaging compensate municipalities for the collection of their portion of packaging waste.

This means, in practice, that citizens in a municipality get a portion of their waste fee covered by manufacturers. In principle, municipalities should ensure that municipal waste fees decrease accordingly when they now have their costs covered by manufacturers.


How commercial waste is collected does not change as a result of the implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

The current method, where individual businesses freely make agreements with private collection companies, continues as is for now.

The only introduced difference is that the waste-generating business will be compensated for the costs it incurs in the collection and treatment of the portion of its waste which is packaging waste.

In practice, this means that waste collectors seek compensation from a PRO for the packaging waste they have collected and processed for the individual waste-generating business.

It is still unclear how the specific compensation framework will be, as the final financial model has not yet been established.

Once the framework is in place, Emballageretur will inform our members.

Waste management and take-back solutions

Are you considering establishing a take-back scheme? Emballageretur can help you.

Do you have a product or spare part particularly suitable for reuse or recycling?

We can help you develop take-back schemes.

International collaboration

Are you selling your products in the EU, Norway, Switzerland, or the UK? Emballageretur can help you.

The Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging follows the packaging waste. Specifically, this means that if your company places packaging on the market in countries other than Denmark, and the packaging you use ends up as waste in the respective country, then you have a producer responsibility in that country.

If so, your company must comply with the respective country’s regulations for the Extended Producer Responsibility on packaging.

Although the Extened Producer Responsibility is established by the EU, the rules and handling of waste can vary greatly from country to country. For example, there may be different deadlines and differences in the materials that need to be registered depending on the country.

Through our membership and co-ownership of weee-Europe, we collaborate with the leading European collective schemes in recycling, reuse, and the circular economy to manage the Producer Responsibility across borders.

Through this collaboration, we can connect you with relevant stakeholders who can assist you in managing producer responsibility for packaging in the EU, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK.

The ECO Badge

As a member of Emballageretur, you will receive our ECO Badge.

The ECO Badge signals that you support responsible development based on circular principles of increased reuse and recycling.

It strengthens your profile and can be used in your communication when attracting customers, talented employees, and valuable partners.

Until the Extended Producer Responsibility is implemented in 2025,  you can use the “blue” packaging badge, indicating that your company is preparing for the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging and is a member of Emballageretur.

The green packaging badge can be obtained when transitioning to a full membership, where both reporting and payment are involved.

Our partner, BeCause, ensures that you receive the badge and can display it on your company’s website.

You will automatically receive information on how to set up the badge when you join Emballageretur.


In 2018, the EU decided to introduce the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.
On August 30th 2022, a majority of the Danish Parliament decided that the Extended Producer Responsibility should be implemented in Denmark.

Denmark is one of the last EU countries to introduce the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging, which, according to the parties, is a significant step in the transition towards a circular economy, which will contribute to a CO2 reduction in the waste sector of approx. 0.12 million tonnes in 2030.

The agreement is based on a series of recommendations from the industry, the municipalities, and the municipal waste organisations to outline the upcoming new producer responsibilities. The political agreement is available in Danish here.

It is a revision of the Environmental Protection Act, which establishes the overall framework for the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging. Read more here (in Danish).

The law will implement the EU packaging directive (EU 2018/852),  available here.

Background reports

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has published several background reports on the upcoming Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging in Denmark:

Emballageretur is ready to help you clarify specific questions and challenges.


Emballageretur is involved in the developing work for the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging and ensures that you are kept up to date and prepared to make the right decisions.

Here is the provisional timeline for implimentations of the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

The original timeline for the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging was changed in October 2023 and again in July 2024. Read more here.


In Q3 2023 the first part of the regulations for the upcoming Extended Producer Responsibility was issued.

The regulations set the framework for the Extended Producer Responsibility, and issuing the regulations is a prerequisite for Emballageretur as a PRO to organize the collection and treatment of packaging waste when the Extended Producer Responsibility comes into full effect in 2025.


In Q1, the second part of the regulations for the upcoming Extended Producer Responsibility will be issued.

It is also in 2024 that the affected companies must register their company and their expected packaging quantities with the authorities.

Emballageretur is ready to help with these tasks.

In Q3, it is expected that the third part of the regulations will be issued.


Q4: Producer responsibility for packaging will come into full effect on October 1st, 2025.

Please note – previously, the plan was for the Extened Producer Responsibility for Packaging to come into full effect in Q3 on July 1st, 2025. However, at the beginning of July 2024, the Ministry of Environment announced that this date was changed to October 1st, 2025.

The implementation date is being moved to allow for a transition period during which municipalities and producers will have the opportunity to learn to adapt to the rules of the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging. This means that the transfer of waste, payments, etc., will take place from October 1st, 2025.

Emballageretur is ready to help you with you company’s Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging. Call us at +45 3336 9198 and email us at


Emballageretur wants to make it as easy as possible for our members to handle the tasks associated with the Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging. To do that we have developed several tools.


The Price Indicator is an online tool that can give you an idea of how much your company might potentially have to pay when taking on the Extended Producer Responsibility for your packaging.

The Price Indicator can also help you and your colleagues see how much a transition to more sustainable types of packaging, such as moving from plastic to paper, can impact your costs.

Only members of Emballageretur have access to the Price Indicator.

The first version of the Price Indicator was launched in September 2023, and we regularly conduct webinars in Danish to provide an introduction on how to use it.

Read about targets for packaging designs.


The Budget Form is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to report and submit your packaging data to us.

You can check relevant information and enter your packaging quantities in the Budget Form, and when you’re ready, you upload the information directly from the Budget Form to us at Emballageretur.

Afterward, we ensure that your data is reported correctly to the national producer responsibility register, Dansk Producentansvar (DPA).

The tool also allows you to download the information into an Excel sheet, giving you an overview of your packaging data.

We launched the Budget Form in December 2023 and released the tool in January 2024.

As of right now the tool os only available in Danish, but in January 2024, we will have an English version ready.

We will also provide a webinar with an introduction on how to use the Budget Form and information as to what data needs to be registered as part of the reporting.